vineri, 23 aprilie 2010

Pe ce melodie va dezlantuiti luna aceasta?
kesha - blah, blah, blah
alex - don't say it's over
spike - scandal
joy williams - speaking a dead language

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joi, 22 aprilie 2010 radem si noi PuTIn,dragelor;))

Intr-o buna zi, un taietor de lemne se ocupa de taierea unei ramuri ce se ridica dintr-un rau. La un moment dat securea ii cazu in apa, si omul se puse pe jelit pentru ca-si pierduse singurul lucru cu care putea sa-si castige existenta.Vazand acestea, Dumnezeu apare langa apa si-l intreaba care este cauza disperarii sale. Omul ii explica atunci ca securea sa a cazut in apa si nu mai stie unde e. In acel moment Dumnezeu plonjeaza in rau si revine cu o secure din aur masiv.
- Asta e securea ta, omule? il intreaba el.
- Nu, raspunse taietorul de lemne.
Dumnezeu intra din nou in apa si, de data aceasta se intoarce cu o secure numai din argint.
- Asta e securea ta? intreaba el din nou.
- Nu, raspunde din nou taietorul de lemne.
A treia oara Dumnezeu revine cu o secure de fier si il intreaba din nou pe omul de pe mal:
- Asta e securea ta?
- Da, asta e, ii raspunse de data aceasta taietorul de lemne.Dumnezeu, miscat de onestitatea omului ii face cadou toate trei securile, si taietorul de lemne se intoarce fericit acasa.

Cateva zile mai tarziu acelasi taietor de lemne se plimba pe malul raului cu nevasta sa. Dintr-odata aceasta cade in apa. Cum omul se puse din nou pe plans, Dumnezeu aparu din nou intrebandu-l care-i este necazul.
- Nevasta mea a cazut in apa, ii raspunse taietorul de lemne printre suspine.
Atunci Dumnezeu sare in apa si apare cu Penelope Cruz in brate.
- Asta este nevasta ta? intreaba el.
- DA!DA!DA!DA!DA!DA!DA!DA! urla omul.
Atunci Dumnezeu, furios, il lua la bani marunti:
- Indraznesti sa ma minti?!! Ar trebui sa te blestem pentru vecie!!Atunci taietorul de lemne incepu sa-l implore:
- Te rog, Doamne, iarta-ma! Dar cum altfel puteam sa raspund?! Daca spuneam"nu" la Penelope Cruz, data viitoare mi-o aduceai pe Catherine Zeta Jones.Si daca si atunci as fi spus "nu", a treia oara mi-o aduceai pe nevasta-mea.Si daca de data aceea as fi spus "da", mi le faceai cadou pe toate trei, dar eu sunt un om nevoias si n-am de unde sa hranesc trei femei. Acesta este motivul pentru care am raspuns cu "da" de prima data.

Morala: Barbatii mint intotdeauna numai din motive perfect oneste si logice!

joi, 15 aprilie 2010

mu, dragelor,
stiu ca sunteti multe(multi:D) care ne cititi si nu pot decat sa ma bucur, dar
am si eu o mare, mare rugaminte:

lasati commenturi, avem nevoie de parerile voastre,
vrem sa stim ce subiecte ati vrea sa abordam sau daca vreti un sfat anume.
iar daca va place ceea ce vedeti
dati mai departe.


Vacutza Roz

luni, 5 aprilie 2010

Vacutze MaTuRe sau ImaTuRE

Vacutzele imature isi pastreaza agenda complet goala si asteapta sa le sune un barbat. Vacutzele mature isi fac propriile planuri si ii spun cu gratie barbatului pe care il apreciaza ca estebinevenit in acele activitati la care doreste sa participe.
Vacutzele imature vor sa-l controleze pe barbatul din viata lor. Vacutzele mature stiu ca, daca barbatul este cu adevarat al lor, controlatul este absolut inutil.
Vacuztele imature il "verifica" pe barbatul care nu le-a sunat. Vacutzele mature sunt prea ocupate ca sa observe ca el nu a sunat.
Vacutzele imature incearca sa "inlantuiasca" un barbat utilizand sexul.Vacutzele mature stiu ca numai sex-appealul de tip mental poate determina un barbat sa vrea sa te "inlantuiasca" el pe tine.
Vacutzele imature falsifica manifestarile placerii sexuale, ori asteapta cuminti sa termine barbatul ceea ce face el acolo in mod egoist ori prostesc... Vacutzele mature, in aceeasi situatie, spun "Opreste-te", se ridica, se imbraca si pleaca.
Vacutzele imature le este frica de perioadele in care sunt pe cont propriu. Vacutzele mature apreciaza aceste perioade si le utilizeaza ca timp pretios, in care poti realiza mari progrese personale.
Vacutzele imature ignora "baietii buni". Vacutzele mature ignora "baietii rai".
Vacutzele imature il pot aduce pe un barbat la orgasm.Vacutzele mature il pot aduce pe barbat acasa.
Vacutzele imature sunt permanent ingrijorate ca nu sunt suficient de frumoase sau bune pentru un anume barbat. Vacutzele mature stiu ca sunt suficient de frumoase sau suficient de bune pentru oricare barbat.
Vacutzele imature incearca sa monopolizeze tot timpul barbatului lor.Vacutza matura realizeaza ca ii poate oferi linistita spatiul de care are nevoie unui barbat - asta va face timpul petrecut apoi in cuplu chiar mai placut si special - si pleaca sa se distreze cu proprii prieteni.
Vacutzele imature gandesc ca un barbat care plange este un barbat slab.Vacutzele mature ii ofera acestuia un umar pe care sa planga si o batista.
Vacutzele imature vor sa fie rasfatate si ii spun asta in mod raspicatbarbatului lor. Vacutzele mature ii "arata" barbatului ce inseamna rasfatul si il fac sa se simta suficient deconfortabil ca sa poata raspunde cu reciprocitate fara teama ca-si va pierde "barbatia".
Vacutzele imature sunt ranite de un barbat si-i fac pe toti ceilalti barbati sa plateasca pacatele aceluia. Vacutzele mature stiu ca ala a fost doar UN barbat.
Vacutzele imature se indragostesc si vaneaza obiectul afectiunii lor pana in panzele albe, ignorand toate semnalele pe care le primesc si toate realitatile care nu se potrivesc cu iluziile lor dragi. Vacutzele mature stiu ca, uneori, cel pe care il iubesti nu te poate iubi pe tine si isi vad de viata lor mai departe, fara amaraciune si furie.
Vacutzele imature vor citi aceste randuri si isi vor schimba atitudinea.Vacutzele mature vor citi si transmite mesajul mai departe, altor vacutze mature.
Pupici vacutzelor,
speram mai mature acum;))

sâmbătă, 3 aprilie 2010

Pentru ca si o vacutza poate sa fie NAIVA

Ati vazut vreodata vreo vacutza naiva??
Adica aceea vacutza care se indragosteste de taurasul smecheras si refuza sa vada ca ea nu este singura vacutza din turma care beneficiaza de atentia lui...
Pai va spun ca eu am ohooooo..cate.. .Chiar si pe strada le recunosti,trebuie doar sa le privesti in ochi si imediat zaresti tristetea si aerul visator pe care il emana in jurul lor....
Unii spun ca suntem genetic predestinate sa picam in plasa a cel putin unui tauras smecheras.
O fi asa,nu o fi asa...asta nu consoleaza cu nimic.De cele mai multe ori tristetea ramane si nu pleaca din suflet decat atunci cand apare taurasul potrivit,sau poate nici atunci de tot.
Incepi sa iti pui intrebari,oare de ce nu m-o fi ales pe mine??sau oare de ce nu sunt eu vacutza cea buna??.....dar adevarul este ca pui intrebarea gresita.Pur si simplu nu esti vacutza potrivita pentru el si cu cat intelegi asta mai bine cu atat vei reusi sa iti iei gandul mai repede de la taurasul smecheras.
Nu incerca sa gasesti motive stupide,pur si simplu...

let it go....
Va fi mai bine,mult mai bine.

Aveti grija de voi vacutzelor naive;)
P.S:postez aici un comentariu al unei fete experimentate in acest domeniu
They are hunters..and woman are fair game to them..every woman is fair game to them and they wont stop or change..He isnt showing you the real him, he is being what he wants to be..he is being what you want him to be..a romantic.. the perfect man..a man that says the right things at the right time.. almost to good to be true...They have make you fall in love with them so you do what they want, so they get what they want, your needs dont count at all to them..Ask yourself he attentive to you..does he do little things for you that shows he really is aware of the things that matter to you... does he send or give you "stupid" little things that he knows will make you laugh, or that says "I know you would love this"..Does he share personal things with you..does he tell you story's about his childhood...does he ask questions about yours...does he want to know about you, your dreams and hopes for the future...Does he show interest in your work, your life, your family.. does he tell you his desires, what he has planned for the future..When he takes you out to dinner or go to the movies or what ever.. who pays the bill..does he or do you..because most of them think they deserve it that you do that..Does he ever do something spontanious to surprise you..A player doesnt care about all these things, he only wants to talk about the things that HE has an interest for.. he really doesnt want to know about your day, your life, your family..He wont get into a deep conversation with you, because he doesnt care.When you tell him something that matters to you, does he remember that, or has he forgotten about that in a few days?He will call ( IF he does, or do you call him all of the time? ) and when he has what he wanted, he says he has to go..something came up...or he has no time for you at that perticular moment..could you call back later ?They cant set any dates in the long run, because something better may come along..They dissapount you time and time again, forgetting special occasions, your birthday, your anniversary, you name it, and do you know why..thay have several woman at the same time and cant remember everything about every woman they have at that timeThese man are only after one thing..get as much sex as they can..and it doesnt matter with whom...its a sexual addiction.. and they really dont care who they use for that, or whom they hurt with doing so...They are not capable of having "real feelings" for a person, because they care for only one person, themselfs.They are vain, selfich, mostly very well dressed, for they feel the need to be better then everyone else, they look down at woman, and think they are so much better, they are really smooth talkers, they know just what to say at what time..And once they know you have figured them out,, they loose all interest in you and move on to their next "pray", they stop being attentive, they stop doing things for you completely..its like you have become air to them, and you have..They have forgotten about you completely the next day..They dont even try to make up..They dont feel any guilt that they have done what they did, they think all victims deserve that, because we were so stupid to let it happen in the first place ( serves us right uhh ? )The only thing they feel sorry about, is that they got cought, that we see trough them at one time, and they can no longer pray from you..Let him go, you are to good for him, he never cared and he never will..You are just one of many, because they have woman lined up for them, usualy 3 to 4 at the same time..They need that to prove their "all man " prove their manhood, because they have a very low self asteem..Run from him girl, he isnt worth you, you can do so much better.I know you keep thinking about him all of the time, he was your 'Mr Right" or seemed that way to you, your perfect match, your friend your lover, your soulmate, your everything, but that isnt what he was, that isnt him at all.Its an act they play..with you as their audience..Or are you willing to keep on getting hurt time and time again ? for he will never change..Are you willing to live with the doubts that will be there all of the time, if you are the only one.Are you willing to be used, untill you have no self asteem know he will distroy that time and time again...Are you willing to feel inadequate for as long as you have a "relationship" with him..Are you willing to feel "not good enough for him" the rest of that time..because you are doing all you can for him, and you will never be enough, for why would he keep looking for someone else when you do all you can, being all you can be..FOR HIM..Where do you see yourself in that..Where are your needs..They arent worth it...